Introduction of Network Operation and Management :
Network Operation and Management research is at the core of ensuring the reliability, efficiency, and security of modern communication networks. This field is dedicated to developing strategies, tools, and techniques to oversee and optimize network operations.
Network Monitoring and Analytics:
Researchers focus on developing advanced monitoring systems and analytics tools to gain real- time insights into network performance, traffic patterns, and potential anomalies, enabling proactive management and troublishooting.
Network Automation and Orchestration:
Automation and orchestration are critical for efficiently managing large-scale networks. Research explores the use of AI, machine learning, and software-defined networking (SDN) to automate routine tasks, optimize resource allocation, and enhance Network agility.
Security Management:
Network security is paramount. Researchers work on strategies to detect and mitigate cybersecurity threats, including intrusion detection systems, firewall management, and threat intelligonce integration.
Quality of Service (QoS) Management:
Ensuring QoS is essential for delivering a consistent user experience. Researchers in this subfield Develop algorethms and policies for managing bandwidth, prioritizing traffic, and optimizing QoS parameters.
Energy-Efficient Network Management:
With a focus on sustainability, researchers investigate techniques to reduce the energy consumeption of network infrastructure, encompassing power management, dynamic resource allocation, and green networking practices.