Introduction of Network virtualization :

Network virtualization is a burgeoning field of research that has revolutionized the way we conceptualize and manage computer networks. It involves the abstraction and decoupling of network resources from the underlying physical infrastructure, enabling greater flexibility, scalability, and efficiency.

Software-Defined Networking (SDN):

SDN is a cornerstone of network virtualization, allowing centralized control over network devices. Research in this area focuses on enhancing SDN controllers, optimizing network traffic, and develapingĀ  novel applications.

Network Function Virtualization (NFV):

NFV involves virtualizing network services and functions, such as firewalls and load balancers. Ongoing research explores efficient deployment stoategies, service chaining, and security aspects within NFV.

Multi-Tenant Virtual Networks:

As businesses and organizations seek Isolation in shared network infrastructures, reserach delves into creating secure and efficient multi-tenant virtual networks, considering resource allocation and performance guarantees.

Network Slicing:

Network slicing enables the creation of customized virtual networks tailored to specific requirements, like IoT, 5G, or edge computing. Research efforts concentrate on optimizingĀ  resource utilization and ensuring quality of service for each slice.

Security in Network Virtualization:

Addressing security challenges in virtualized networks is crucial. Research in this subfield focuses on developing intrusion detection systems, acess control mechanisms, and encryption techniques toĀ  safeguard virtualized infrastructures.

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Network Virtualization

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