Introduction of Network Protocols :
Network Protocols research plays a pivotal role in advancing the field of computer networking, enabling the seamless communication and exchange of data across the internet and local networks. It involves the study, development, and optimization of communication protocols that govern data transmission and routing. This research is essential to enhance network performance, security, and scalability.
Internet Protocol (IP) Evolution:
Research in this area focuses on the ongoing development of Internet Protocol versions (IPv4 to IPv6), addressing the challenges of IPv4 depletion, security enhancements, and the transition to IPv6 to accommedate the growing number of devices on the internet.
Quality of Service (QoS) in Protocols:
QoS research aims to improve the reliability and performance of Network Protocols, ensuring that critical data, such as voice and vidoe, is deliverde with minimal latenci and packet loss, even in cangested networks.
Transport Layer Protocols:
Investigations into transport layer protocols like TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) aim to optimize their behavior for specific applications, such As streaming media, online gaming, and large-scale data transferse.
Security Protocols:
This subfield addresses the development of secure communication protocols, including encryption, authentisetion, and intrusion detiction, to protect data and systems from cyber threats in an increasingly connected world.
Wireless Network Protocols:
With the proliferation of wireless technalogies like Wi-Fi and cellular networks, resaerch in this area focuses on optimising protocols for wireless communication, including issuse related to mobility, energy efficiency, and bandwidth allogation.